A Toast to the Past Year

Autumn Breeden
Autumn Breeden

By the time this blog posts, my year as a consultant will have ended. I think back to Fall 2010 when I was given my invitation to join Sigma Kappa and laugh at how clueless I was back then. When I was joining this organization the only things I saw were friendship, fun and cute shirts. But after four years, two collegiate positions, and traveling the country as a consultant, I could not have a more different outlook on membership.

Throughout my time traveling for Sigma Kappa, I have learned that it is OK for women to join for the friends, fun and T-shirts. But it is our duty to help Sigma Kappa be more to its members than letters on T-shirts. Through friendship and fun, our members have the opportunity to learn real life skills, to become better leaders, and better women. I cannot thank y’all enough. From Kappa Pi members who were leaders when I was a clueless new member, advisors, national headquarters staff, and members around the U.S., I wouldn’t be the woman I am today without you. While I am incredibly sad to be leaving national headquarters staff, I am excited for the future. I am excited to be going to law school at Ole Miss in the fall (even if we have no chapters in Mississippi!) I am excited to join an alumnae chapter, and I am excited to continue to watch the women I have met on the road grow! I know you have probably heard this hundreds of times, but I will say it again:


Sigma Kappa is not four years. Sigma Kappa is for life.


I want to say a huge thank you to all of the women I had the opportunity to work with this year, and hope you enjoy my photo flashbacks of the last year!

Fall Semester:


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Spring Semester:

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